Can I keep Esc from removing FAYT filter?

(I know there have been looong discussions about the intricacies of FAYT and the Filter Bar, but I couldn't find an answer to this...)

Via FAYT I filtered the display, then hit Enter. FAYT disappears, the filter bar is not visible, and the files remain filtered. The background color is changed as a reminder. I'm happy. :smiley:

But now if I hit Esc for whatever reason (like closing nested menus and being too trigger-happy) I do NOT want it to remove the filter. I configured an explicit "clear filter" command for that.
Is there a way to achieve that?

Thank you!

We'll add an option for this in 13.7.1.

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...and that's why I love DOpus. You guys are the best!

Works as promised in the new beta. Great, thank you! :smiley:

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