Can we replicate "Listary" FAYT?


Yes, it does. It does 2 of the 3 things I mentioned above (highlight + display all files). But it does not give a filtered view of just the matches. The Filter mode does highlights + filtered view of just the matches, but it does not give the full view of all files. So, it also does 2 of the 3 things.

Currently I can either have, highlights + all files, or, highlights + filtered view. In the Listary screenshot in post 1, we see three things:

  • all files
  • filtered view of just the matches
  • highlights

That's what I was wishing to accomplish :slight_smile:

may be you need Everything ??
it's muuuuch better

Here is an example of what Everything ( could give you.

Colors and Columns can be modified. Clicking on an item will take you to it in DOpus. You can also do some file management functions from within Everything - delete, cut, copy, rename. Hotkey to open it is available.

I do use Everything already :+1:

Thanks. This is how I already use Everything, mostly to find files or folders across the whole system.
In this post, I was interested in searching at the current folder level, but more specifically, the display of the results :slight_smile:

EverythingDOpus (EverythingDopus - A utility to integrate Everything with Directory Opus) lets you do current folder level searches and puts the results in a collection.

Thanks for mentioning it. Let me look at this and test.

Quick questions on this if you don't mind please:

  1. What does this script over the default DOpus Find and Filter options?
  2. Is it an updated version of the other mentioned script, "Fast search with Everything v2"?

it's two different programs (Opus and Everything) and two different scripts (es.exe and ed.exe).
the scripts are a wrapper for Everything's search results in Opus.

  1. The chief improvement is speed. It also has buttons for current folder search, search based on clipboard contents and searching in the entire partition.
  2. I never had good luck with Fast Search with Everything and I'm not interested in a command line interface (CLI) to Everything. Everything is a separate GUI for Everything in DOpus.

Thanks jinsight. Quick update. I tested this script and I think it does what I already do with Everything (without any script). Which is, I just right-click in a folder and select "Search Everything". Then I have a dynamic search where I can type and re-type different searches:

I understand. Please see my update above.


Hi Leo, is there a way or process for me to add this as a future request (for consideration)?


No need, it should be possible quite soon. :slight_smile:

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You mean both views at the same time: All items (Find option) + Only matches (Filter option)

It'll need us to expand something slightly, but should be doable.

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So awesome! I almost can't believe it!

"it should be possible quite soon."

Hi Leo, did you mean in version 13? :slight_smile: Can you please tell if this feature is present in the 13 beta version


It's not quite possible yet, but Opus 13's FAYT scripts provide most of what would be needed to do it. We need to add a way to let them highlight files like the built-in Find Mode does. Currently, they can display the list of matches and let you select from it, but not that part.


Thanks for clarifying Leo, that's all I wanted to know.

Seems like you're using Listary v5. That feature already works with DOpus...I remember I used to disable that option especifically for DOpus because was annoying. Do you have disabled it too maybe?