Can we retrieve properties from the Everything DB and populate them in Opus Columns?

I have been keeping up with the Opus 13 side of the forums and have been able to answer allot of questions for my self already. But I am not clear on this one.

I have been using Everything 1.5 for just under a year and I have been really impressed with it and I was really excited to find out Opus 13 comes with first class Everything integration. This is one of the biggest selling point for Opus 13 for me.

Once the Search Everything 1.5 SDK is released, do you think it will become possible to populates some Opus columns with values from Everything Properties/Columns? I have read some threads where the size value for the Opus size column are being retrieved from Everything (I am not sure if this is was a suggestion or a question asking how to turn it on)

I am looking to integrate and Synchronise Everything and Opus as its critical to my work. In the cases I have managed to do it, the results can fall short of ideal. I have come to realise this is mostly due to the mechanism which both software's are using, Opus is reading file properties in real time and Everything is primarily relying on a database. This disparity shows in allot of places.

For example I use THIS Opus 12 script to allow me to attach various arbitrary "Flags"/"Notes" notation to files and folders, Everything cannot retrieve these Opus Columns data and store them in corresponding Columns in Everything, due to the way the Opus scripts writes the data, so I created my own Everything solution that is in Sync with the Opus Columns.


The disparity I am speaking of arises when I am just browsing folders on Opus, when I open a folder with just ~500 items Opus lags. With more items, this lag only gets worse, this is happening because the script reading the items ADS stream data on demand. On the Everything side, there is no such delay, I have millions of files on display with all their columns populated.

I have a few other scenarios like the above Opus script, I want these kinds of scripts to instead rely on the Everything DB to populate Opus columns. This would have allot of benefits:

  • The instant access of data for Opus Columns
  • For those cases where it makes sense, get Opus to act like Everything by relying on a database
  • And in some cases, allows me to do away with scripts like the one linked above (a very convoluted script whose Author is MIA).

Finally, this would make future work for this kind of scripting much easier, by taking advantage of a single common DB because whatever I build for Opus I have to also implement an equivalent on Everything.

AFAIK what will be in the SDK isn't known yet.

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Yh you're right. I am getting to giddy I suppose. I will wait it out then. Thank you!