Cannot search within zip files


This was already posted but maybe it passed unnoticed.

The zip handling is activated in Dopus, so I can do the searches within zip files.

But now I have a case where I know there's a folder inside the zip whose name I'm looking for, and despite it seems it gets inside the zip file (because it lasts a little bit more) it cannot find it.

When I do the search with the search tool built inside winrar it effectively find that folder, so it shoulb be a Dopus malfunction.

After some tests I found that what make this folder invisible to dopus is a "" (backslash) before its name:

Say I'm looking for "magnet" inside the zip.
Now, inside the zip we have "\parent" folder, and inside this one the "magnet" one.

If the naming is "parent\magnet", dopus can find it.
If the naming is "\parent\magnet" dopus cannot see it.

The effect of this "" is not clear, because extraction works identically. I guess the zip was made using commands. Making the zip through graphical interface does not add such "".

This is primarily a user-to-user discussion forum. If you've found a bug and want to make sure GPSoft know about it and/or respond then you should send it to them via the Support form on their webpage, rather than post it a second time here.

A backslash is not a valid filename character on Windows, so it's not that surprising this doesn't work. Whichever program let you create this zip file with a folder called "\xxxxx" is broken.

Some zip programs support having the full path stored in a zip, so wherever you extract it to the files end up in a specific place (which is extremely dangerous and a bad idea, IMO, and not supporting it is probably a good thing, but that's another thread).

Maybe the \ at the start means the file should be extracted to the root of the current drive, although I can't think of many legitimate reasons for wanting that and if the program is always adding a \ to the start of the path then that's definitely wrong.


Thanks for the answers.

I post here when I'm not sure wether something is a bug or not. When I'm sure something is wrong or have an idea for usage, I always report directly to oficial dopus.

Maybe it was a little unfair to post it twice (excuse me for that), but at the end I got the answer I was looking for, and it was not a bug, so I think I made a fair use of this forum. Please correct me if not.

BTW, what does "IMO" mean? :blush:

IMO = in my opinion.

Agreed, it was fair use of the forum and no harm done, though in future bumping (adding a reply to) the old post would be better than creating a new one, in case people search on a similar issue and find two similar/identical threads. Not worth worring too much about though!