When searching the forum on my Samsung A8 tablet I'm unable to access the "more" button at the bottom because it's only slightly visible. My fingers aren't able to get enough of the top edge of the "more" without selecting the last visible sesrch result. I tried taking a screenehot but it closes the sesrch instead.
That’s not something we’re in control of. It’d be better reported to Discourse, who make the forum software.
It is presumably due to your font/resolution/DPI settings making everything too large.
As I said in other threads, it isn’t just Opus that will have problems if you make everything really large on a 1080p screen. Parts of the OS itself have issues, as well as other software and even websites.
This is on my tablet not my laptop.
I've reported it on the Discourse forum.
Discourse or Meta is essentially telling me it's something in the way it's setup here in DO. They had me go into safe mode on your site and it worked properly.
I don't think they are saying that yet.
It's the same result from using safe mode everything works because it scrolls.