Can't drag with right mousebutton

Occasionally right click drag does not pick up the selected files. I use the feature constantly and it started to appear recently more and more. One day I can't right drag any file/folder, the next days it works again. If it did not work ever, I may have adopted to another way of moving files between the 2 panes already. Now the occasional time when it works keeps me hooked on it. I'm using 12.28 pro version on latest W10.

Any idea where to start to look for the culprit.

Next time it doesn't work, check if you're in Power Mode without realising it. That can have different actions assigned to the right button, and may look the same as Details Mode otherwise (depending on settings).

(If it's happening in other software as well, it could also be the button is going, which seems to happen more often than it should with mouse microswitches, in my experience.)