I'm using DO with a folder tree and a dual display.
When I change the columns size on the left pane and saves the format "For All Folders", close DO window and open it again, it works only for the right pane and the left pane goes back to my old settings...
How can I change the display on each pane separately and save it?
In Opus 9, saving the format "For All Folders" would not remove things which were already overriding the format for specific folders/layouts/tabs/etc. So it's probably one of those things which needs to be manually updated/removed. For example, try setting the window as the Default Lister to see if that makes the change stick.
[quote="leo"]In Opus 9, saving the format "For All Folders" would not remove things which were already overriding the format for specific folders/layouts/tabs/etc. So it's probably one of those things which needs to be manually updated/removed. For example, try setting the window as the Default Lister to see if that makes the change stick.