Can't start Directory Opus after 11.14 in server 2012 R2

After upgrade to version 11.14. when I click DO icon it can't start. Try to reinstall, but same thing. Do you have the same problem?

My OS is windows server 2012 R2

Did you reboot after installing the update?

yes, reboot many times. 11.13 work very well. how to clean previous install of DO?

The uninstaller will remove the installation, but also wipes your config so you might not want to do that.

Could your anti-virus software be blocking the new binaries from running because it has not seen then before and they are not yet well-known?

Which Opus icon are you clicking on to launch it? If you haven't already, try running C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\DOpus.exe directly. If no window opens, is anything appearing in Task Manager / Processes when you run it?

[quote="leo"]The uninstaller will remove the installation, but also wipes your config so you might not want to do that.

Could your anti-virus software be blocking the new binaries from running because it has not seen then before and they are not yet well-known?

Which Opus icon are you clicking on to launch it? If you haven't already, try running C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\DOpus.exe directly. If no window opens, is anything appearing in Task Manager / Processes when you run it?[/quote]

I click the right exe. in task manager seems it appear and quit immediately. Do you know how to find log of startup process?

There might be something in the system Event Viewer, depending on the cause.

A couple of things you can try:

Built-in diagnostic:

Process Monitor:

If that doesn't work, it's likely something low-level is killing the process very early on.

Using Microsoft ProcessMonitor to monitor which files and registry settings are accessed when the process tries to start may point to where the problem is.

You can save and zip process monitor logs for us to look at via the program's File menu.[/li][/ul]

If the problem is something like anti-virus killing the process because it's new (please don't discount this possibility, it happens a lot with new versions of software and some antivirus tools) or a system issue then it's possible dopus.exe is being killed before control is passed to any of our code, in which case the above tests may not show any output from dopus.exe.

[quote="leo"]There might be something in the system Event Viewer, depending on the cause.

A couple of things you can try:


I just reinstall my windows server 2012 is still not work. So, wait for your new patch.

Please try Leo's suggestions. There won't be a "new patch" unless we actually find something wrong.

[quote="leo"]There might be something in the system Event Viewer, depending on the cause.

[list=1][*]Set HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GPSoftware\Directory Opus, StartupProgress (DWORD) = 1.


I install DO in user account but give it admin access. I can't find "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GPSoftware\Directory Opus" in user account and admin account. I event search "GPSoftware" in registry. Nothing useful information. Is there something wrong?

You need to create it if it isn't there already.

The .reg file I linked will do it for you. That's the easiest way to turn the diagnostic on and off.

Same bug, just tested, nothing appears in DbgView even if all captures are enabled. Effect is DOpus does not start.

I suggest you debug this yourself because we, users, can't help furthermore.

Kind regards

Task manager does not show dopus.exe even if launching from C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\DOpus.exe
If I launch if from C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\x86\dopus.exe I get a malformed dopus window, font size mismatch etc.

Which anti-virus are you all using? That was asked above but everyone has avoided the question so far.

If dopus.exe is not even starting, the problem is likely to be something on your systems is killing the process before it can even begin. Since 11.14 was built using the same tools as 11.13, and has no new dependencies, that means the most likely cause is something like an anti-virus scanner rejecting a new exe file that it has not seen before.

Please also see if any relevant log entries are in Event Viewer / Windows Logs (please check all sections, around the time Opus was last launched).

We cannot debug this as it does not happen on any of our systems, and so far only on three reported systems (two running Server 2012 R2, and one unspecified).

Hi All,

Just update to 11.14 on my 2012 R2 server and I'm also having the same issue - Dopus doesn't start!

As with the others, enabling debug yielded no results.

I ran procmon too, and it appears to attempt to load the dopus executable.

The only AV currently installed on the server is Forefront Endpoint Protection. Dopus still doesn't load with the Real-time protection feature disabled.

My procmon logs can be grabbed from [Procmon log link removed after we downloaded it, just in case it had anything private in the logs. Many thanks! --Leo].

Many thanks for the ProcMon log. That was exactly what we needed to find the problem. It showed that Opus was launching, but then failed early on, and let us find exactly where the problem is.

A fix has been written and is in the pipeline for release.

In the meantime, for anyone on Server 2012 R3 who needs to go back to 11.13, here is the Opus 11.13 installer (45MB).

[quote="leo"]Many thanks for the ProcMon log. That was exactly what we needed to find the problem. It showed that Opus was launching, but then failed early on, and let us find exactly where the problem is.

... ...

If you have patch, it will be released in next beta version or major version?

It will be in all forthcoming releases, whatever type they are.

This update is available now. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks to spoonwzd for the help with identifying this problem.

Thanks for your speedy response to this chaps. I'm sorry to report that the 11.15 update still doesn't work for me.

Same behaviour as before. New procmon logss here:

The log shows Opus 11.14 is still installed (files dated 2nd July):

Please try clearing your browser cache and re-downloading the installer from here:

Check that the installer says 11.15 as the version number in the titlebar.