Can't undelete files from recycle bin

If I delete a file to the recycle bin, then immediately hit "Ctrl+Z" to undo, I get the error below.

I'm using v10. -- fairly sure it used to work OK in earlier versions, but can't say 100%.
Any ideas how to solve it?

If you open the recycle bin, is the file still in there?

Can it be restored via the bin itself (right-click on the file and there should be an option in the menu)?

Yes, the files go into the recycle bin and I can restore them from there.

Anything special about the location from which you deleted the file? You're running Win7 (?) so I'm wondering about Libraries, but also File Collections, other "virtual" folders or junctions, etc?

Nope, nothing special as far as I can tell, it happens from any folder where I delete a file.

I've just tried it again, after a fresh reboot, and it's working fine.....! No idea what to tell you now....

Hopefully it will keep working now, but if it does start to happen again then it might be worth checking with Process Monitor to see which file/path Opus is trying to find the deleted item in versus where it really is in the recycle bin directory.

OK, thanks, I'll keep an eye on it.

Just a quick update on this issue: I completely reinstalled Windows and the problem seems to have gone away..... :wink: