Centre toolbar in dual lister opens on RHS in single

My default lister is a horizontal dual pane layout, no folder tree, and as well as the usual toolbars at the top, a toolbar positioned, horizontally between the two panes. I have a number of buttons which open a single pane lister, leaving the dual lister open. When I use these buttons, the centre toolbar is displayed vertically on the right hand side of the single lister, as if it had come from a vertical dual display.

As I said, the single display is set to open without closing the dual display, and when I unlock the toolbars, and drag the bar in question from the vertical position on the right to the bottom of the single display, the copy on the dual display moves to the bottom also. If I leave the single display open, but then drag the bar in the dual display back to its centre position, it moves back to the vertical right-hand position in the single display at the same time. I do not seem to be able to break this nexus.

This rather defeats the purpose of this particular toolbar, which carries buttons intended for use from either the top or bottom pane.

I have experimented with resaving the layout invoked by the single display, while the toolbar is located horizontally at the bottom, but this does not help.

I have been experiencing this behaviour consistently from DO6, DO8 and now DO9, in two different installations of Opus, and currently one is in a Vista system, while the other is in a WinXP system.

Does anyone have any suggesions?

At the moment toolbars can't be saved as part of layouts or anything else.

There is a set of toolbars which are on for every single lister and in the same place for every single lister. These are the toolbars which are ticked in the Customize dialog.

You can also open "local" toolbars which are only in a single lister by using the Toolbar command with the LOCAL argument.

You can create a button which opens a new lister (or layout) and then turns on a local toolbar in it. There isn't a perfect way to do this at the moment but there is a way which seems to work reasonably well:

resource.dopus.com/viewtopic.php ... lbar+local

Hello Leo...

Thanks for that suggestion.

I have already experimented with a similar button myself, and I shall now have another try. I had not used the LOCAL argument.

My problem at the moment, is that when the single lister is opened from the dual, the centre horizontal toolbar is converted to a vertical right-hand-side equivalent, rather than, I think more logically, a horizontal bottom version, which better corresponds to where I normally expect to find it in the dual lister.

That probably sounds like nit-picking, I suppose, but it is surprising how such an apparently small anomaly can leave one searching for the appropriate button for a particular task.



IMO what you're suggesting would be more of an anomaly than what happens now. If a vertical center toolbar turned into a horizontal bottom toolbar when the dual pane was closed, instead of staying where it was on the right of the first pane, I would fine that weird.

Hello Leo...

I agree entirely. I’d not want it to do that either.

What I’m suggesting is that a vertical centre toolbar from a vertical dual lister should translate to a vertical right-hand toolbar in a single lister (as it already does), and a horizontal centre toolbar from a horizontal dual lister should translate to a horizontal bottom toolbar on a single lister (which, at the moment, it does not do).

In both cases, the orientation of the original is honoured, and the user’s eye tracks naturally to where one is used to seeing it.



Thanks again for your suggestion above, Leo...

I have now implemented a satisfactory workaround based upon it:

Prefs LAYOUT="NameSpaces" LAYOUTCLOSELISTERS=no @sync: "c:\Program Files\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /cmd Toolbar NAME="~ToolbarExtra 2" LOCAL STATE=bottom

It means having two copies of the toolbar on view, one vertical and one horizontal, but in my horizontal-centric world, worth living with.

[quote="bspeight"]Hello Leo...

I agree entirely. I’d not want it to do that either.

What I’m suggesting is that a vertical centre toolbar from a vertical dual lister should translate to a vertical right-hand toolbar in a single lister (as it already does), and a horizontal centre toolbar from a horizontal dual lister should translate to a horizontal bottom toolbar on a single lister (which, at the moment, it does not do).

In both cases, the orientation of the original is honoured, and the user’s eye tracks naturally to where one is used to seeing it.



Oh, I see now. Yes, I agree. The single-display lister should already remember whether it's in the vertical or horizontal layout (for the two file displays) so it should be able to put the "center" toolbar in the appropriate place, bottom or right, but it always puts it on the right at the moment even if the lister is using the horizontal layout.