Change File Name in Specific Folder Names

HI ... I'm attempting to use DO to search all folders that contain "Handout" in the folder name, including subdirectories. I then want to append the word "Handout" just before the extension. So the file named "thisismyfile.doc" in the /Handouts folder becomes "thisismyfileHandout.doc".

I'm not doing to well on figuring out how to append "Handout" to those files. Thanx for your help. Love this product.

If you don't need to worry about files that don't have any extensions at all, then you can do this:

Mode: Standard Wildcard Rename
Old name: .
New name: Handout.

If you're using Opus 11, the rename dialog will look slightly different, but everything you need from the above screenshot should be there, just in slightly different places.

If you're using the Opus 12 public beta, you can do things in a nicer way thanks to the new Ignore Extension option. (This also makes things work for files/folders that have no extensions. That's possible in Opus 11 as well, but would require a slightly more complex regular expression.)

I'm assuming you've already got a way to find all the files you want to rename, but if not, I would use Tools > Find Files > Advanced, then search by:

Type, Match, [Files Only] (or "Files" in Opus 12) AND Full Path, Match, *Handout*, Use Wildcards

You can then select all the files and use the Rename button on the toolbar to open the rename dialog.

Thank you!