Change modified date after filename

Maybe I misunderstand what you're trying to do so - apologies if that is true.

What I got from your post is that you want to use some kind of rename function, in order to parse a portion of the filename that may contain a date string in one of several possible formats... then use that date string from the filename in order to modify the files "Modified" date attribute?

If that is the case, then as MrC implied - you'll need a rename script that uses (most likely) regex rename capability to help parse that date string from the filename, then executes dopusrt.exe in order to run the SetAttr MODIFIED command. There's no way for the rename command alone to modify file properties...

Side note: Also... no idea what "Filename to Modified Time.dcf" refers to. Is that something you grabbed here off the forum?

I found the script:

File name to modified date/time?

Replace the button script with the following:

Rename PATTERN="*" TO="*"
@script vbscript
Option Explicit
' For information on the technique used in this button see:
' "Abusing" Rename Scripts to do other things with file info
' Change the path below if you haven't installed Opus to the default location:
dim DOpusRTPath
DOpusRTPath = "%ProgramFiles%\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe"
Dim Shell
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim re1, re2
Set re1 = new RegExp
Set re2 = new RegExp
Function Rename_GetNewName(strFileName, strFilePath, fIsFolder, strOldName, ByRef strNewName)
	Dim strCommand
	' Set strNewName to an empty string so that Opus does not rename the file.
	strNewName = ""
	re1.IgnoreCase = True
	re1.Global = False
	re2.IgnoreCase = True
	re2.Global = False
	' Test these date patterns: -dd-mm-yyyy or ddmmyyyy
	re1.Pattern = "^(?:.*?)(?:-(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{4})|(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{4}))(?:.*)$"
	' Test this date pattern: -yyyy-mm-dd
	re2.Pattern = "^(?:.*?)-(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})(?:.*)$"
	If (re1.Test(strFileName)) Then
		' Set strYYYYMMDD to a string like "2011-07-29"
		strYYYYMMDD = re1.Replace(strFileName, "$3$2$1$6$5$4")
	ElseIf (re2.Test(strFileName)) Then
		' Set strYYYYMMDD to a string like "2011-07-29"
		strYYYYMMDD = re2.Replace(strFileName, "$1")
	End If
	If (Not IsEmpty(strYYYYMMDD)) Then
		'DOpus.OutputString "YYYYMMDD  = " & strYYYYMMDD
		strCommand = """" & DOpusRTPath & """ /cmd SetAttr FILE=""" & strFilePath & "\" & strFileName & """ MODIFIED=""" & strYYYYMMDD & """"
		'DOpus.OutputString "CMD = " & strCommand
		Shell.Run strCommand,0,true
	End If
End Function

Sorry folks, for the confusion with regards to the script. Yes, this is indeed the one.
Thanks for the revised script.

My system-date format, i.e. the date of the files on my pc, is EUR,i.e. dd-mm-yyyy.

Three methods - I am absolute no REGEX expert!! am just trying, okay..?

(1) matching filename: 016Lorem Ipsum - 01 - 19-04-1985-16-48-23.jpg

Matching date in filename: 064This - is - number - two-11 - 2013-06-03.jpg

  1. matching filename: 054Lorem Ipsum - 11 - 19011983 164722.jpg


Guess I can test the script in the rename panel, tagging script mode?

Thanks again for all the work!

Or you can test it in a button. Just alt-click the button and it will open the button in Edit mode, where you can paste it.

Let us know how it works out.

Regret, nothing happens. Anyway, forget it, many thanks for the effort!
I have found a renamer that can do this job.

I had tested all 6 of your file names and they worked.

Well, I tried this one

016Lorem Ipsum - 01 - 19-04-1985-16-48-23.jpg

and this one

comp28-13-07-2014 13-02-14 apr.jpg

nothing happens and Opus reported an error, like this


Anyway, as said, don't worry - forget it - I just hoped it would be an 'easy' thing within Opus.


I think you must have put MrC's code into the wrong place, since the error you've got there is from the Rename command trying to rename a file, but the code MrC gave should never actually try to rename the file.

MrC's code is a button that should be pasted into the button editor. It won't work in the Rename dialog's script box, if that was where you were pasting it.

It should look like this:

However, from testing the code, it works fine with your comp28-13-07-2014 13-02-14 apr.jpg example but doesn't work with your 016Lorem Ipsum - 01 - 19-04-1985-16-48-23.jpg example. In the second case, I get an error from the SetAttr command, I think because it's being passed an invalid date. Maybe the "- 01 - " before the date is confusing the regexp.

Yes, you are right, as always. I tried it in the normal 'rename' panel.
Changed Type: Standard Rename->Regular Expression, cleared the new name box, tagged script mode and pasted the code there.
(am not familiar with scripts and things)

Anyway, I did as you said, create button, etc.

Indeed the script seems to be stumbling over ' - ' or '- ## - ' stuff in front of the dates. It this isn't in the name the script is running well.
At least for the two examples I tried.

The seq# and dates are there to have series of screenshots in the right order.
(btw the spaces around the '-', hyphen, are in this case exceptional, in these 'test-names' as in the real filenames, I removed them all)

i.e. the actual filenames look like
Filename-11-19011983 164722.ext
Filename two-11-2013-06-03.ext
Filename three-11-19-04-2013 16-55-22.ext
in case of single files (i.e. no screenshot sequence)
they will look the same, but without the '-11' in the above examples, so
Filename three-19-04-2013 16-55-22.ext

Of course I prefer to have this in Opus .. Else I need to launch another tool, browse, click, click, select etc.
It is handier to have it in Opus.


I'm not sure if there's a question in the post, but all of your original file names work, as to the four "FIlename ..." files in the above post. So, are you good now, or do you have some file names that don't work?

It would be easy enough to deal with the space after the hyphen. I suppose some sanity checks could also check the modified date components too.

It helps others just to provide a list of those that don't work.

Hi there MrC

the examples I mentioned in 19 Jul 2013 06:43

Lorem Ipsum - 01 - 19-04-1985-16-48-23.jpg
This - is - number - two-11 - 2013-06-03.jpg
Lorem Ipsum - 11 - 19011983 164722.jpg

as I removed all the spaces around the hyphen, the filenames to focus on are:

Lorem Ipsum-01-19-04-1985-16-48-23.jpg
Lorem Ipsum-01a-19-04-1985 16-48-23.jpg (note: no hyphen between date-time)
This-is-number-two-2013-06-03.jpg (note: no seq#)
Lorem Ipsum-11-19011983 164722.jpg

probably it is too complicated to transfer the time?
i.e. in the first 3, time to be transferred too
in the 4th one (no time), then the exisiting time to be left untouched.

if it is too complicated, then time to be left untouched, that is fine as well.
right now time is reset to 00:00:00


So is it safe to say that your file name patterns look like:


and that may or may not have a leading dash or space and in between year/month/day dashes or spaces, and is optional, but if it exists it must be 6 digits?

There's no reason to remove or convert the spaces ahead of time - the regular expression can manage this.

It sounds like you also want the modified time of the file to be read, so that when there is no time, the old time is retained.

Yes, that is pretty much correct. Whilst reading the examples I noticed this oned should be added


Have tried to create regexp myself



Lorem Ipsum-11-19011983 164722.jpg

This - is - number - two-11 - 2013-06-03.jpg
This-is-number-two-2013-06-03.jpg (note: no seq#)

Lorem Ipsum - 01 - 19-04-1985-16-48-23.jpg
Lorem Ipsum-01-19-04-1985-16-48-23.jpg
Lorem Ipsum-01a-19-04-1985 16-48-23.jpg (note: no hyphen between date-time)

I am no regexp - am trying to familiarize myself with regexp.

Maybe the above helps and saves some time, I don't know.

As for the script, tried to understand it , but gave up.


Here's your new code:

Rename PATTERN="*" TO="*"
@script vbscript
Option Explicit
' For information on the technique used in this button see:
' "Abusing" Rename Scripts to do other things with file info
' Change the path below if you haven't installed Opus to the default location:
dim DOpusRTPath
DOpusRTPath = "%ProgramFiles%\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe"
Dim Shell
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim re1, re2, re3
Set re1 = new RegExp
Set re2 = new RegExp
Set re3 = new RegExp

Function Rename_GetNewName(strFileName, strFilePath, fIsFolder, strOldName, ByRef strNewName)
	Dim strDateTime
	Dim strCommand
	' Set strNewName to an empty string so that Opus does not rename the file.
	strNewName = ""

	' Date / Time pattern: dd mm yyyy hh mm ss, with possible space or dash separators
	re1.Pattern = "^(?:.*?)[-\s]*(\d{2})([-\s]*)(\d{2})\2(\d{4})[-\s]?(\d{2})([-\s]?)(\d{2})\6(\d{2})(?:.*?)$"

	' Date pattern: dd mm yyyy, with possible space or dash separators
	re2.Pattern = "^(?:.*?)[-\s]*(\d{2})([-\s]*)(\d{2})\2(\d{4})(?:.*)$"
	' Date pattern: -yyyy-mm-dd
	re3.Pattern = "^^(?:.*?)[-\s]*(\d{4}([-\s]*)\d{2}\2\d{2})(?:.*)$"
	If (re1.Test(strFileName)) Then
		strDateTime = re1.Replace(strFileName, "$4$3$1 $5:$7:$8")
		'DOpus.OutputString "Date Time  = " & strDateTime
	ElseIf (re2.Test(strFileName)) Then
		strDateTime = re2.Replace(strFileName, "$4$3$1")
		strDateTime = strDateTime & " " & GetFileModTime(strFilePath & "\" & strFileName)
		'DOpus.OutputString "Date 1  = " & strDateTime
	ElseIf (re3.Test(strFileName)) Then
		strDateTime = re3.Replace(strFileName, "$1")
		strDateTime = strDateTime & " " & GetFileModTime(strFilePath & "\" & strFileName)
		'DOpus.OutputString "Date 2  = " & strDateTime
	End If
	If (Not IsEmpty(strDateTime)) Then
		'DOpus.OutputString "Set Date & Time  = " & strDateTime
		strCommand = """" & DOpusRTPath & """ /cmd SetAttr FILE=""" & strFilePath & "\" & strFileName & """ MODIFIED=""" & strDateTime & """"
		'DOpus.OutputString "CMD = " & strCommand
		Shell.Run strCommand,0,true
	End If
End Function

Function GetFileModTime(filespec)
   Dim fso, f, s
   Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   Set f = fso.GetFile(filespec)
   s = split(f.DateLastModified, " ", -1, 1)  
   GetFileModTime = s(1)
End Function

I've used 3 RE patterns, as they are easier to work with and modify this way. Simpler is usually better. The first one looks for date / time combinations. The next two match date-only formats, in either of these formats: yyyymmdd or ddmmyyyy. In all REs, dashes or spaces can lead the date and/or time patterns, but must be consistent within the date and time patterns (eg. Good: dd-mm-yyyy or ddmmyyyy. Bad: dd-mm yyyy or hh-mm ss).

When no time is present, the file's current time is used; otherwise, the time from the file name is used.

THANKS a lot !!

This works fine indeed!

You managed to take care of the following:

001Lorem Ipsum-01-21042013 125022.jpg
002Lorem Ipsum-02-22042000-165132.jpg
003Lorem Ipsum - 03 - 23041970 174742.jpg
004Lorem Ipsum - 09 - 25042000 164852.jpg
005Lorem Ipsum - 26-04-1989 174852.jpg
006Lorem Ipsum - 28031998 174832.jpg
007Lorem Ipsum-07-31-01-1999 194832.jpg
008Lorem Ipsum-08-19-04-1999.jpg
009Lorem Ipsum-09-2011-03-01 134822.jpg *
010Lorem Ipsum-10-2012-04-01.jpg


This is great indeed!

Really perfect!

Personally, I donot mind the thing with file 009, time not being updated, so, as for me, you could leave it like this, it is already fine.

However, maybe others might wish to use this new script, or it could be converted to a .dcf ?
(a new " Filename to Modified" ?)
in which case you may wish to correct that last small thing.

Of course, I leave that to you!

Once again, many many thanks!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Here's your new version to handle case 9 (in the previous discussions, a time wasn't specified as being a requirement in the yyyymmdd format).

Rename PATTERN="*" TO="*"
@script vbscript
Option Explicit
' For information on the technique used in this button see:
' "Abusing" Rename Scripts to do other things with file info
' Change the path below if you haven't installed Opus to the default location:
dim DOpusRTPath
DOpusRTPath = "%ProgramFiles%\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe"
Dim Shell
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Function Rename_GetNewName(strFileName, strFilePath, fIsFolder, strOldName, ByRef strNewName)
   Dim strDateTime
   Dim strCommand
   ' Set strNewName to an empty string so that Opus does not rename the file.
   strNewName = ""

   ' Date / Time pattern: dd mm yyyy hh mm ss, with possible space or dash separators
   Dim re1
   Set re1 = new RegExp
   re1.Pattern = "^(?:.*?)[-\s]*(\d{2})([-\s]*)(\d{2})\2(\d{4})[-\s]+(\d{2})([-\s]?)(\d{2})\6(\d{2})(?:.*?)$"

   ' Date pattern: dd mm yyyy, with possible space or dash separators
   Dim re2
   Set re2 = new RegExp
   re2.Pattern = "^(?:.*?)[-\s]*(\d{2})([-\s]*)(\d{2})\2(\d{4})(?:.*)$"
   ' Date / Time pattern: yyyy-mm-dd hh mm ss
   Dim re3
   Set re3 = new RegExp
   re3.Pattern = "^(?:.*?)[-\s]*(\d{4}([-\s]*)\d{2}\2\d{2})[-\s]+(\d{2})([-\s]?)(\d{2})\4(\d{2})(?:.*?)$"

   ' Date pattern: yyyy-mm-dd
   Dim re4
   Set re4 = new RegExp
   re4.Pattern = "^(?:.*?)[-\s]*(\d{4}([-\s]*)\d{2}\2\d{2})(?:.*)$"
   If (re1.Test(strFileName)) Then
      strDateTime = re1.Replace(strFileName, "$4$3$1 $5:$7:$8")
      'DOpus.OutputString "Date 1  = " & strDateTime
   ElseIf (re2.Test(strFileName)) Then
      strDateTime = re2.Replace(strFileName, "$4$3$1")
      strDateTime = strDateTime & " " & GetFileModTime(strFilePath & "\" & strFileName)
      'DOpus.OutputString "Date 2  = " & strDateTime
   ElseIf (re3.Test(strFileName)) Then
      strDateTime = re3.Replace(strFileName, "$1 $3:$5:$6")
      'DOpus.OutputString "Date 3  = " & strDateTime
   ElseIf (re4.Test(strFileName)) Then
      strDateTime = re4.Replace(strFileName, "$1")
      strDateTime = strDateTime & " " & GetFileModTime(strFilePath & "\" & strFileName)
      'DOpus.OutputString "Date 4  = " & strDateTime
   End If
   If (Not IsEmpty(strDateTime)) Then
      'DOpus.OutputString "Set Date & Time  = " & strDateTime
      strCommand = """" & DOpusRTPath & """ /cmd SetAttr FILE=""" & strFilePath & "\" & strFileName & """ MODIFIED=""" & strDateTime & """"
      'DOpus.OutputString "CMD = " & strCommand
      Shell.Run strCommand,0,true
   End If
End Function

Function GetFileModTime(filespec)
   Dim fso, f, s
   Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   Set f = fso.GetFile(filespec)
   s = split(f.DateLastModified, " ", -1, 1) 
   GetFileModTime = s(1)
End Function

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

what else to say...

thanks again.

From a private message from mrwul regarding another pattern to match:

Here's your new code which handles this additional case:

Rename PATTERN="*" TO="*"
@script vbscript
Option Explicit
' For information on the technique used in this button see:
' "Abusing" Rename Scripts to do other things with file info
' Change the path below if you haven't installed Opus to the default location:
dim DOpusRTPath
DOpusRTPath = "%ProgramFiles%\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe"
Dim Shell
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Function Rename_GetNewName(strFileName, strFilePath, fIsFolder, strOldName, ByRef strNewName)
   Dim strDateTime
   Dim strCommand
   ' Set strNewName to an empty string so that Opus does not rename the file.
   strNewName = ""

   ' Date / Scan Date pattern: dd mm yyyy ddmmyyyy, with possible space or dash separators in Date
   Dim re0
   Set re0 = new RegExp
   re0.Pattern = "^(?:.*?)[-\s]*(\d{2})([-\s]*)(\d{2})\2(\d{4})[-\s]+(\d{8})(?:.*?)$"

   ' Date / Time pattern: dd mm yyyy hh mm ss, with possible space or dash separators
   Dim re1
   Set re1 = new RegExp
   re1.Pattern = "^(?:.*?)[-\s]*(\d{2})([-\s]*)(\d{2})\2(\d{4})[-\s]+(\d{2})([-\s]?)(\d{2})\6(\d{2})(?:.*?)$"

   ' Date pattern: dd mm yyyy, with possible space or dash separators
   Dim re2
   Set re2 = new RegExp
   re2.Pattern = "^(?:.*?)[-\s]*(\d{2})([-\s]*)(\d{2})\2(\d{4})(?:.*)$"
   ' Date / Time pattern: yyyy-mm-dd hh mm ss
   Dim re3
   Set re3 = new RegExp
   re3.Pattern = "^(?:.*?)[-\s]*(\d{4}([-\s]*)\d{2}\2\d{2})[-\s]+(\d{2})([-\s]?)(\d{2})\4(\d{2})(?:.*?)$"

   ' Date pattern: yyyy-mm-dd
   Dim re4
   Set re4 = new RegExp
   re4.Pattern = "^(?:.*?)[-\s]*(\d{4}([-\s]*)\d{2}\2\d{2})(?:.*)$"

   If (re0.Test(strFileName)) Then
      strDateTime = re0.Replace(strFileName, "$4$3$1")    
      strDateTime = strDateTime & " " & GetFileModTime(strFilePath & "\" & strFileName)
      'DOpus.OutputString "Date 0  = " & strDateTime
   ElseIf (re1.Test(strFileName)) Then
      strDateTime = re1.Replace(strFileName, "$4$3$1 $5:$7:$8")
      'DOpus.OutputString "Date 1  = " & strDateTime
   ElseIf (re2.Test(strFileName)) Then
      strDateTime = re2.Replace(strFileName, "$4$3$1")
      strDateTime = strDateTime & " " & GetFileModTime(strFilePath & "\" & strFileName)
      'DOpus.OutputString "Date 2  = " & strDateTime
   ElseIf (re3.Test(strFileName)) Then
      strDateTime = re3.Replace(strFileName, "$1 $3:$5:$6")
      'DOpus.OutputString "Date 3  = " & strDateTime
   ElseIf (re4.Test(strFileName)) Then
      strDateTime = re4.Replace(strFileName, "$1")
      strDateTime = strDateTime & " " & GetFileModTime(strFilePath & "\" & strFileName)
      'DOpus.OutputString "Date 4  = " & strDateTime
   End If
   If (Not IsEmpty(strDateTime)) Then
      'DOpus.OutputString "Set Date & Time  = " & strDateTime
      strCommand = """" & DOpusRTPath & """ /cmd SetAttr FILE=""" & strFilePath & "\" & strFileName & """ MODIFIED=""" & strDateTime & """"
      'DOpus.OutputString "CMD = " & strCommand
      Shell.Run strCommand,0,true
   End If
End Function

Function GetFileModTime(filespec)
   Dim fso, f, s
   Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   Set f = fso.GetFile(filespec)
   s = split(f.DateLastModified, " ", -1, 1) 
   GetFileModTime = s(1)
End Function

Thank you so much!

My new 'Redate from Filename'-button with this code... it's working fantastic now.

Again, thanks!! :thumbsup:
