Changing text file name with viewer window open

Have been a user for 10 years, I noticed that when a text file is being viewed the file name can't be changed, but all other file types I have tried can be changed while the file is being viewed. Why would that be??

It should let you rename the file in both cases.

How large is the text file?

Is the extension .txt or something else?

It doesn't seem to seem to matter the size just that it has the file name of .txt. I tried many different sizes.

Did you try very small files?

If you right-click the viewer, what does the context menu look like? Please post a screenshot.

I tried very small, medium, and large text files, same thing wont allow file name modify until I close the viewer.

The context menu?

The contents of the txt file are viewable in the view pane, when I close the pane, the file name can be changed, with the view pane showing the contents of the file I get this ....
Directory Opus ActiveX Proxy (C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\Viewers\docsvw64.exe)

That isn't normal as that plugin doesn't handle text files by default.

Did you turn on the Windows Text preview handler inside that plugin? That could cause the problem.

A screenshot of the context menu would help me be sure I've understood what's happening correctly.

To clarify, if you turned the Windows TXT viewer on here, then note the warning that scrolls in at the top of the window when you do that, and turn it off again:

I did not turn it on that I can remember, I have tried to find how to disable it, do you have a suggestion, I have spent 20 min looking?

Preferences / Viewer / Plugins, click the ActiveX + Preview + Office + Web plugin, click Configure.

I bought my first computer in 1977, I have tried entering the above line every way I can think of for 30 mintues. Please where do I enter Preferences / Viewer / Plugins, I have windows 10?

It's part of Opus, not Windows. Settings > Preferences.

Ok got it fixed thank you soooooo much used your product for 10 years and told many of my friends about how amazing it is .... Thanks again :slight_smile:

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Oops yes that did fix the text rename issue, but all the other files pdf, etc etc wouldn't open in the dopus viewer until I re checked it, so I added .txt to the file names under the office plugin and was told to remove it. Still cant rename text files, but all others work ok.

I think you're turning off the wrong thing. See the instructions above and follow them carefully.