Character lost in file path during "Copy-Paste Link" operation

I am facing a very, very weird problem.
When I need to include files in one application I regularly use (MindManager, by Alludo) I copy the selected file in DO and use Paste Link in MindManager.
This works seamlessly except in one very specific case.
If the file path contains the string
C:\Users\carlo\OneDrive -\clienti\Combi MES\CA_TECH\Analisi\mappe\ ...
the link gets corrupted in MindManager:
C:\Users\carlo\OneDrive -\clienti\Combi MES\CA_TECH\Analisi\mapp\ ...
i.e. the final letter 'e' in folder 'mappe' is dropped
I tried the same using File Explorer and the error is not there, so DO must be at least involved into this problem, if not the actual culprit.
I am on the latest beta: 13.13.1

If you copy and paste the file into another directory within Opus, does that work? That should indicate if the correct path is in the clipboard or not.

Pasting the file in another folder works fine.
That puzzled me, so I double checked what happens with File Explorer.
It turned out I was wrong: the path corruption occurs also when copying the file in Explorer.
Hence, it most likely is an error on MindManager side.
Sorry for the confusion!

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