Check-box file/folder selections and highlighting

Hi gang

I prefer using check-boxes for my selection, as it circumnavigates the need to use the [shift] of [cntrl] keys to select multiple items. The checkboxes are though not easily distinguishable when the selection involves a myriad of items.
Can I please request that we have an option that, when in check-box mode, that the item(s) is also highlighted at the same time, to make it ultra clear what selections one will be working with?

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You can use the Edit > Select Other > Checkboxes to Selection command to automatically select anything that's checked, as a verification step before starting the operation.

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You can do that in Opus using the middle mouse button, without checkbox mode.

Checkbox mode in Opus predates the one in File Explorer. It exists to let you build up a selection of files to copy/move/delete/etc. while still being able to select files to do things like display them in the preview pane.

Checkbox mode in Opus isn't just for making it easier to select/deselect individual items like in File Explorer. It isn't needed for that.

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