Checkmode select shortcut key? and little problem

i just started using check mode after lot of discussion at this thread
[Keyboard shortcut that advance to next file after selecting)

Now problem is when checkmode is ON and i select the file just say AAA with Ctrl+Space(personally i wish i could give just one key to select a file if its possible instead Ctrl+Space)..the file is selected.Now with arrows keys i move the curser down to CCC and wanted to select this CCC file where curser is with Ctrl+Space but it just keep toggling AAA though my curser is at CCC but it keeps selecting and deselecting AAA.

What is this? :unamused:
And is there way as i said above just one key to select a file if its possible???

In checkboxmode you can select a file just by pressing space. You don't have to assign a shurtcot key

I see it now. You keep pressing control you go to the next file then you press space. It unchecks the last checked file..That's what you're trying to say I presume. But if you let go of control and press control + space then it checks just normal. What is contol + space anywhay?

Checkbox mode is unusual in that Ctrl-Space turns the selected items into checked items, ignoring the current cursor position.

In fact, you just need to let go of Ctrl completely. Just use the arrows and space keys on their own.

You may also want to try out Power Mode as that allows you to do toggle-select via just the space bar and cursor keys, and is probably less confusing than using Checkbox Mode. In Checkbox Mode there are two things which look like the "selection" while in Power Mode there's just one -- the usual one! -- and it's how you change the selection that's different.

(If you have changed how Power Mode works in Preferences then you may need to reset that prefs page back to defaults if you find the cursor keys don't work as I've described. They work that way by defualt, though.)

yes after lots of tries acutally i found out i made mistake by choosing space as shortcut key for Getsize of folders thats why it was not working properly and now i changed it its works fine :slight_smile:

But if it would be very good, if the selecting key for checkbox/power modes could be changed, see

[Is it possible to change the select key for checkbox mode?)

It could be an extra option to change the selector key in those modes into "insert" key. Otherwise the space bar is of course a good choice, normally, but using it for toggling left/right lister is even more effective in my opinion, since i use that a lot & checkbox/power rather quite rarely.

thx i already searched for it and read it