Choosing "Update" in a style button doesn't save single tabs

When I choose "Update" in one of the available styles the tabs are only added in that style when two or more of them are shown in the source resp. target panel.

I would expect that also single tabs are saved.

Can the checkmark at the folder path be automatically set?

Another related question:
Is it possible to ONLY save the tabs when updating/saving a style and leave other options like "View, Statusbar, etc..." unchecked? Right now I always have to uncheck seven(!) checkmarks which is even more annoying than the first problem. :wink:

Thank you


What do you mean by "registers"?

Sorry, that was a false friend, "Tab" means "Register" in German. I have edited the posting and meanwhile found out that single tabs can be saved when checking the folder path in a style configuration but I'd like to have that checkmark set automatically.

Maybe you can read the edited first posting again, thanks.


Ah, that makes more sense, thanks!

Not sure if I'm getting Folder Tabs and Style Tabs confused here but when you say that tabs are only appearing when there's two or more I'm guessing you mean Folder Tabs? You can change when Folder Tabs appear via Preferences, Listers, Folder Tabs where the options are:

  • Always
  • On both sides of a dual-display Lister if needed on either
  • Only when needed

I'm not sure about the other points since I don't use the Styles system in Opus. (For all my Opus knowledge I didn't even know that Style Tab right-click menu with Update etc. existed until now! hehe) Hopefully someone who is more familiar with what Styles can and can't do can help.

You don't use that feature? Hard to believe, you should try it. :slight_smile:
Styles are nice to save the folder tabs in both panels so with one click you can reload for example three predefiend directories in source and five in target panel or something like that.

Nope, the problem I don't have with the appearing of the tabs, "Always" was already checked, but with the style that is saved when pressing "Update". If you check the style configuration after pressing "Update" you can see that on the updated style the checkbox of the folder path which I am trying to save is not set so I have to check it manually whenever I update a style that has only one folder in a panel.

Thanks anyway, maybe someone else has an idea. :slight_smile:


If you check the style configuration after pressing "Update" you can see that on the updated style the checkbox of the folder path which I am trying to save is not set so I have to check it manually whenever I update a style that has only one folder in a panel.[/quote]

My guess is this is intentional as the folder paths are saved in the folder tabs section of lister styles (which allows the multiple folder paths to be loaded when you switch to that style)