Clean install win7 pro...Getting BSOD...Never before?

only with version 9.5...didn't happen with 9.1

Any new updates coming? Gonna be damn hard finding a replacement for dopus...I have been using it forever and use it mostly to synchronize my two internal hard drives D and E

Anyone else having this problem?


would love to redownload version 9.1 and reinstall it...Anyone have this abvailable for download?

Unless you can give a more accurate description of the problem it's impossible to give you any help. "Getting BSOD" doesn't provide many clues.

As this thread points out, software like Opus cannot cause a BSOD.

Perhaps you could start by telling us what you're doing when it happens and what the actual error message is in the BSOD...

[Admin note: See this thread for Damoor's post. He requested that his duplicate posts in this thread be removed.]

OK I did a little messing around, here is what happened....

If I click on the desktop shortcut, I get the BSOD...

If I right click on the icon on the right, that is always there (if you select to have dopus load when Win7 starts) everything works fine, no BSOD...I'm not savy unough about computers but I hope this helps, if indeed its a problem with DOPUs.

Possibly this is a problem with Win7, since I've never had any problems with Dopus before....

Hopeing those here who I'm sure are smarter than I have some ideas?

[quote="rods"]only with version 9.5...didn't happen with 9.1

Any new updates coming? Gonna be damn hard finding a replacement for dopus...I have been using it forever and use it mostly to synchronize my two internal hard drives D and E

Anyone else having this problem?


It's def. not a Win7 issue as lots of us are using that without problems.

Which anti-virus tool are you using? Have you tried disabling its real-time protection to see if it's the cause of the BSOD?

Could you also right-click the tray icon and open Opus's preferences window, then compare the settings in the pages under the Launching Opus category. Are all of them set to Open the Default Lister or are some set to something else (e.g. "Open the listers that were open when the program was last closed")?

The reason the BSOD happens when one icon is used but not when the other is used could be that the two icons cause different directories to be displayed. If there's a bug in the driver for one of those devices which is causing the BSOD then you'd only get the BSOD when viewing files on that device.

Also the BSOD screen may show you the name of the component that caused the crash - can you see anything there?

Thanks guys, I'll play around some more. Thanks for the advice too.

[quote="leo"]It's def. not a Win7 issue as lots of us are using that without problems.

Which anti-virus tool are you using? Have you tried disabling its real-time protection to see if it's the cause of the BSOD?

Could you also right-click the tray icon and open Opus's preferences window, then compare the settings in the pages under the Launching Opus category. Are all of them set to Open the Default Lister or are some set to something else (e.g. "Open the listers that were open when the program was last closed")?

The reason the BSOD happens when one icon is used but not when the other is used could be that the two icons cause different directories to be displayed. If there's a bug in the driver for one of those devices which is causing the BSOD then you'd only get the BSOD when viewing files on that device.[/quote]