Clear Windows Explorer History

Dopus doesn't clear the Windows Explorer history when clearing its own history.
I have to open up Explorer and use the folder options to clear it.
Could you add an option to link the clearing of both the Dopus visits history (path) and the explorer history with the same command, please.

Clear History

With this new option enabled, using the 'Clear Recents' command would clear both the Dopus history and tell Explorer to clear its history as well.

Clear Recents 1

Explorer is a different program, why would Opus clear its history? I'm not sure there's even an API for that.

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Because the Quick Access folder is a great starting point for opening a new lister.
That, and the downloads folder on a dual lister view. I have those tabs locked and set to clear previous listers when opening.

So having recent files display there, as the first thing to see when opening Dopus, is ideal.
This home base strategy works good, except that area can get bloated with files that just end up getting in the way. It's always full of older files that I am not going to be using anymore.

Windows doesn't provide options for the "amount of time to keep as a recent file" threshold, or number of recents threshold. And there is no icons for the files, it's all white boxes. It's annoying to look at. Especially when I'm done a project and don't need the files anymore and they are just hanging around that area every time I open Dopus. And if the file got moved, "Windows can't find it". But it's still sitting there in the recents, useless. I can't filter the recents (Dopus columns don't work on this folder) or open their path, only open the files.

So I have to go and manually clear them from Explorer every so often. I wish that I could just clear both recents at the same time.