Close Listers and Clear History


Is there a way to do both with 1 click besides making a button that does it?


I would like to click the normal Windows Close button instead of my button. I would think an option to do this in preferences would be great :slight_smile:


You could do it when opening listers (by making Opus run a command) but not when closing them.

If you don't want the recent list at all, it can be turned off.

My solution is to have a global hotkey I can press every so often to clear certain logs. (In my case they're nothing to do with Opus; it clears chat logs, but the idea is the same and the hotkey is created in Opus as it's a convenient way to do so.)

Ok. I guess I wasn't fully understanding the differences between Recent List and Lister History. Played around with it and got what I wanted. Thanks