"Close Tab" from Right-Click Menu on a non-active tab


Not sure if this is a bug or a feature.

When I select "Close Tab" on the context menu that appears after I right-click on a tab that is open in a different pane that the active pane, it closes the active tab in the active pane, not the one I right-clicked on. Is this the intended behavior of the program?

To reproduce this,

  • set a lister in dual vertical pane
  • open some tabs in each pane
  • left-click on a tab on the left pane (for instance) to make it active
  • right-click on a tab of the right pane and select "Close Tab".

This will close the active tab in the left pane.

Thank for you help.

Thanks for the report, that was actually fixed in the 13.2.1 beta version. You can try that version right now, or wait for 13.3 which should be available next week.

Ok, thank you for your quick reply.
Best regards,