Combining thumbnail slider and a smart list

Currently there are two mechanisms for picking the size of thumbnails: a "cruder" power-of-two list and an arbitrary-precision slider.


First question: is it possible to customize the list in the dynamic list button? The power of 2 works great for smaller sizes, but then isn't granular enough for the bigger ones

Then a second suggestion: what I'd like to have instead is a wider slider with user defined marks (e.g., 32,64,107 :slight_smile: etc) that would combine infinite precision with predefined sets like so:

  • a mouse hold (grab&drag) would allow you to pick any value from the slider
  • a mouse click would only land on user defined marks

This way you can have a easier to use slide (since it can now be wider and take the space of 2 elements) while allowing you to use both selection modes

The slider width can be edited while in Customize mode.

You can also make buttons (or menu items, hotkeys, etc.) to go to specific sizes if the automatic list doesn't include the sizes you want. For example:


If needed: How to use buttons and scripts from this forum

This buton lets you single-click to reset to default size (set in preferences) or long press to bring up a list of sizes.

Reset Thumbnail Size.dcf (4.1 KB)


That doesn't solve the issue of "UI mental overhead" of picking either of the two elements for doing the same thing where a slider with notches would suffice. The space savings is an extra benefit

?: @Leo is there an evaluator command that can read the default value of "thumbnail size" config and show it in a button label?

Thanks, here is my improvements with right-aligned numbers and single letter accelerators and to reset

Though given the accelerators remove the need to use mouse to select the items and reset is just a space away, it's best to just turn them into menus and make them more fit like this

A few extra ides:

  • the reset button should show the default number
  • ideally you'd be able to display groups horizontally with accelerators at the bottom, but don't know how to do that in DOpus UI
  • maybe add a button for asking user for a precise pixel number? though not sure it's useful
  • You can also use a more meaningful for the reset element, but it's too small for my taste vs

(the label in the 2nd button one isn't fully aligned as adding more spaces to align it properly increases the width of the whole drop-down)


ThumSzMenu1.dcf (4.3 KB)
ThumSzMenu2.dcf (4.3 KB)

ThumSz.dcf (4.2 KB)
ThumSzT.dcf (4.2 KB)

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The custom Buttons as mentioned by you work great, however they don't get the "highlight" which the built-in Thumbnail Size Buttons get. Please see the image below:


Secondly the build in Size Button's options of "32px" and "64px" don't make any sense on high resolution monitors which are common these days. Is there any way to remove them?

They highlight for me. What is the command in that button?

The automatically generated list of sizes are already DPI scaled, and those sizes make sense IMO; lots of icons have those sizes under high DPI.

If you want custom sizes instead of the automatic list, you have to make buttons for each size.

This is 256px.

That's a User Command. Those won't highlight the button, regardless of what they run.

Put the command directly inside the button instead.

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I tried that but the Built-in Size Button don't accept User Command. At least I haven't figured out how to do that?

My observation was in the context of Photo viewing. I didn't thought about Icons.

See the Raw Commands section at the top of How to use buttons and scripts from this forum for how to create a button which runs a command.