Command Field

Is the Command Field a full replacement for the Windows Run command? If so, how would I run a program elevated from that field?

I also have a feature request: It would be nice if the command field used find as you type. Or, better yet, Linux style tab to complete.

No, it's just intended as a quick way to run Opus commands.

You can push the Start button or Start-R to get the proper Start Menu or Run dialogs so we don't see any need to replace them.

Hi, i'm not really up on dopus or windows programming, but this q is interesting for me in that context.

in custom user commands i have a command setup called r which runs:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ""

so if i type r cheese

it searches automatically for cheese in rottentomatoes

how do i pass a test variable in a similar fashion after creating a custom command called c which uses "%windir%\system32\cmd.exe" ?

thanks for any advise on the q. :slight_smile:
best regards,