Command line to open DOpus with a nominated layout

Aah! Got it Ken...

I mis-interpreted the manual as suggesting that the first of the two options would be the default.



[quote] From: kenalcock []
Sent: Monday 29 January 2007 18:16
Subject: [SUPPORT] Re: Command line to open DOpus with a nominated layout

Look closer, there are three options for , not two.

GPSoftware wrote: · LAYOUTCLOSELISTERS/O[,yes,no]: This option is used in conjunction with the LAYOUT option and lets you control whether existing Listers are closed or left open when you load a new Lister Layout.

The default action is not actually yes; if it were, would be shown as . The default action in this case how the option below is configured:

Preferences Layout - Saved Layouts - Close existing Listers when loading a new layout

Kenneth R. Alcock
I'm still looking for that damned key!
"To write well and speak well is mere vanity if one does not live well."--Bridget of Sweden.
