Which is the command to create a new file of a specific type in the actual folder (like from the Windows context menu: New -> Text document etc.)?
See this thread: [Button to Create a new text file)
Thank you, the first example seems to work well with all file types:
FileType NEW=.odt
However the second example always creates a Null file (a file with zero bytes), so it doesn't seem to use the ShellNew feature internally, when creating a file which should use a Shellnew template:
FileType NEW=.txt NEWNAME="norename:{dlgstringS|Enter filename|NewFile.ext}"
That's because the second function is always really creating a .txt file, due to the "NEW=.txt" part.
The second function is just something Tanis uses to easily create empty files with different extensions. The first function is the proper way to create new files of different types, using the correct templates.
[quote="nudel"]That's because the second function is always really creating a .txt file, due to the "NEW=.txt" part.
The second function is just something Tanis uses to easily create empty files with different extensions. The first function is the proper way to create new files of different types, using the correct templates.[/quote]
Thank you, I've overseen the "NEW=.txt" part.