First post here and I just registered this awesome software.
I wanted your guidance on maximizing my experience with DO. I come from a Total Commander background and I would appreciate any info, links, files, plug-ins, menus, icons/toolbars/buttons etc. that can be useful for a similar configuration.
Although the idea has been floated about, I don't think anyone has ever submitted any configurations or toolbars to emulate TC.
While some of the other users here are familiar with TC and may have some pointers, not many (if any) of the people who tend to answer questions and help at the forum have used TC for more than about 5 minutes so it's difficult to know what to suggest from such a general question. If you want to do something particular just ask and we'll try to help, of course.
My purpose is not to emulate TCs behaviour on DO. Each application has its own "personality" I'm a registered user of TC as well and I will keep using it concurrently. I bought DO for its strengths not the similarities.
It's just the fact that the two-panel approach of Commander style file managers its such a simple and efficient "invention" that hasn't been surpassed for decades now. DO has a Commander mode and I want to master this mode only mainly.
It's just the fact that the two-panel approach of Commander style file managers its such a simple and efficient "invention" that hasn't been surpassed for decades now. DO has a Commander mode and I want to master this mode only mainly.[/quote]
Ehh, this is just one of the approaches. And the longer I live without it, the more I am convinced that it is not the best one- just most useful for some tasks.
Anyway, Commander style is just a style- a specific lister layout, not some special mode.
I think also that most people, like myself, who come from TC, quickly abandon the ideas of squeezing DO into TC ways. It's just limiting it.
I switch between single and dual-display mode all the time, depending on what I'm doing. If I'm only dealing with one folder then having another one open is a waste of space but if I'm dealing with two folders it makes sense to have them both in the same window. Being able to switch it on & off is the best of both worlds.
I guess we should not be equally oppositely biased on this and phrase it: personal taste.
As a general rule though twine panel approaches best fit keyboard users while Explorer like for mouse oriented users. It there I find Commander style more efficient since you can be faster with the keyboard.
"Commander style" just means dual-displays, not specifically Total Commander. There's a Style in Opus called Commander I think both that style and TC are named after Norton Commander from the late 1980s (but I might be wrong).
I'm new to DO to answer that but from what I've seen so far it's not about "what" but about "how". Anyway, I don't want to argue on this. I'm sure all open minded people can tell that each tool has it's strengths and weaknesses.
To my eye I cannot truly find a winner overall but only feature-wise specific.