Context menu entries missing

Hi, I was using ver 8 before and right-clicking on any drive under the my computer lister gives a full context menu including 3rd party entries and most importantly, explore. If I open a drive and right-click on any folder I get the full menu context. On upgrading to ver9.0.0.3 this would only work on folders, not drives. How do I get this back pls ?
P.S , I am a noob when it comes to settings under opus so pls I would need concise guidance !!
Thanks a lot

I understand if you are a noob would like concise guidance... and one of the great features in dopus v9 is the ability to 'quickly' find settings.

Goto Settings->Preferences, and in the Preferences window that appears, type hide windows and hit . The option that should be displayed and circled in red Hide Windows items on file context menus (shift overrides)... is probably enabled at the moment. Try disabling it to see if your menu items come back - then report back, and try and give some examples of what's missing...

Thanks for your reply. I am work at the moment but will try when I get home and let you know how it goes.

Well, I tried but it didn't work . The option you mentioned was unticked when i checked. Some of the options missing on drive right-click are open, explore, browse, open with paint shop pro, and some 3rd party entries.

What flavor of Windows are you using Barb? Have you tried comparing the context menus shown in the Windows Explorer to the ones you see in Opus?

And even though it shouldn't matter if you have the option steje mentioned unchecked, you might try holding down the SHIFT key just before you right click to see if the context menu changes.

I am using XP sp2. Holding shift does nothing. Funny thing though, if I select a drive then click on file on the listermenu, I get the full context !! Any help, suggestions greatly appreciated.

Any chance you could post a screenshot of what you are seeing?

How do I take a screenshot ?

When you have what you want visible on your screen (including the context menu) just press your keyboard PrintScreen button to copy what you are seeing to the Windows clipboard. Then paste the clipboard contents into a lister file pane by pressing CTRL+V or going to EDIT/PASTE. That should create a bitmap image file of what you were seeing in the lister and it should be named something like "Clipboard Image.bmp". Bitmaps are too big to upload to here, so next you'll want to use the Opus "Convert Image" tool to convert that bitmap into a medium compression jpg which you can paste into a message here.

Just holler if you need any more help. :smiley:

Ok, lets do this right. One is of rightclicking a folder, the other rightclicking a drive.

And you've confirmed that the context menu stuff for 'drives' appears ok in Windows Explorer still?

Would you mind opening regedit and exporting the:


registry keys, zipping them up, and posting them to the forums. There shouldn't be any "sensitive" data in those keys... just shell extensions and menu info.

Actually I get the same results no matter if I use windows explorer or directory opus, but it was fine with ver 8.

When you right click an item in My Computer it is Explorer that generates the context menu (since it is Explorer providing the view.) And as you say, you get the same results in Explorer. So I don't really see what we can do for you here.