Context Menu Icons Missing...I think? - 13.0/13.1

Hi Everyone,

First off. Love love Directory Opus. I know I'm just scratching the surface, so I'm really excited to really take advantage of the features.

I noticed that in v13.0, there was a "New Folder" command added in the context menu. I'm not sure if I'm going crazy, but I think the icon disappeared? I could have sworn there was a folder icon next to it before.

Here is a pic of what I'm referring to. I noticed it yesterday while using 13.0, and hoping a reinstall might fix it, I installed 13.1 beta, but it's still missing. Is the icon in fact missing? Or am I imagining things?

Thanks for your help.


There's no icon on that menu item by default, but you can add one by editing it (Settings > Customize > Context Menus).

Opus 12's defaults were the same, from a quick check.

Oh, thank you! I was poking around in the Preferences Menu, not Customize. One more question: any way I can make this icon smaller so it's the same size as the others? It's already set to

Thanks for your help!


That's how big the default toolbar icon set is. They aren't really designed for use in context menus next to system icons.

This one is though: Internal, Small Icons for Context Menus

Thanks a lot! Keep up the great work.

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