I have noticed that if I exit DO9 as distinct from just closing a lister, then when I restart it, I see the Converting Configuration display briefly as it starts up.
What is happening here?
I have noticed that if I exit DO9 as distinct from just closing a lister, then when I restart it, I see the Converting Configuration display briefly as it starts up.
What is happening here?
That shouldn't happen unless you've changed languages (which will make it happen once on the next restart).
I wonder if Opus is trying to save some converted configuration but is blocked (by file permissions or something as simple as a read-only flag on a config file or toolbar) and is converting the file(s) it can't save at every startup?
Process Monitor might be able to reveal what's going wrong if that is the case, although there's a lot of stuff going on at startup so it may be difficult to spot the line with the access denied error (or similar).
Have a look in /dopusdata and /dopusglobaldata in Flar View mode with the attr column on to see if any files have the r bit set.
The config conversion is triggered by having any subkeys in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GPSoftware\Directory Opus other than Viewers.
Hello Jon...
The subkeys I have are:
Window Positions
Viewers is not there.
Is it OK to delete these subkeys?
That's odd - those keys are all deleted by the conversion process. If you let the conversion process run through are they still there? Are you able to delete them through regedit? Maybe something has changed the permissions on those keys and is preventing Opus from removing them.
Thanks Leo...
Those folder names do not exist on my Vista system.
(EDIT: I just came across your message about typing them into the location bar, and I came up with a new folder name: C:\ProgramData\GPSoftware\Directory Opus, which seems to have the same content as the one I refer to below.)
Everything seems to reside in C:\Users\All Users\GPSoftware\Directory Opus, where a long list of folders such as Buttons, Collections etc reside. These folders do contain the .XML files which define my DO9 setup.
I have checked each of the files in them, and none of them has the ‘r’ attribute set.
See also my reply to Jon’s message about this.
<< Polynesia: Memory loss in parrots. >>
Hello Jon...
Yes, I have successfully deleted those subkeys.
EDIT: ...and that has stopped the conversion from happening on a restart now. Doesn't explain why the conversion did not work in the first place though. Most of my config was not successfully converted, and I have had to re-create it by hand.
<< Polynesia: Memory loss in parrots. >>
I have decided to pull the plug on this thread.
I have been conducting a dialogue with Greg about a bigger problem I am having with the install executable, and have decided the time has come to bite the bullet, and re-install Vista (about three weeks' work all up), but while I cannot resolve the issue with the executable who knows what other issues may be being set in train.
Thanks Leo and Jon for your help.
I'll be back when I have a clean copy of Vista to work with.