Copy EXTRACT=checkout

The Help for Copy EXTRACT=checkout says..

"Extracts the contents of an archive to a temporary folder and automatically opens that folder in a new Lister."

However, when I select a zip file then >Copy EXTRACT=checkout nothing happens.

I also note that Copy EXTRACT=sub does nothing if there is no destination folder (or Dual). In those circumstances would it make sense to assume a default of HERE as the target for extraction?

Regards, AB

I have the same problem. I have a "Standard Function" button with the command
Copy EXTRACT=checkout
When I select a .zip file and click on the button, nothing appears to happen. Should we be looking somewhere subtle for a temp directory that we can check out?

It seems like the problem whith Copy EXTRACT=checkout still exists in Directory Opus 12. Nothing happens when the button is pressed.

You have to be inside the archive for this to work. We'll update the documentation to make this clearer.