Copying to FTP, how to keep folder date?

This is an old question from the other forum. Is there a way to keep the date of a folder, when copying over to some FTP server? It works well for files, so maybe there is some tweak for folders, to keep the date?

I don't think there is currently. The FTP module seems to not set directory timestamps in general.

Ok, thanks. Seems to be no big issue, but the user wasn't sure, if he overlooked some setting.

Unfortunately for normal FTP, the protocol does not support setting the file dates for folders, only files, and then only on specific servers that support the MDTM/MFMT command.

Hmm. Looks like I could have been in error here! Shock, Horror!

Setting the file times on folders does actually work when I do this by direct command. I've implemented it properly this in a test version. ABR, can you contact me directly (greg@...) and I'll send you the link to the test for more extensive testing.

Greg. Sorry i'm replying so late, i didn't see your new answer earlier. I have just forwarded this to Markus, who initially asked. Will report back, or he will contact you then. Many thanks!

Thanks. There's a test version waiting for you.