I've been messing around with the configuration options in Opus and there's a couple of things I can't figure out how to do. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction.
How I can assign Opus to open a saved lister when I press the windows key + E. This is the key i'm used to using when I used explorer. If I go into configurion and try and create a hotkey with this combination it just opens windows explorer instead of capturing the key press.
Also been looking at customising the context menu that appears when you right click on files in opus. I've get the setting in preferences to turn off all windows context options so the only ones that show are the Opus ones. This seems to work ok apart from two items that I can't find in Opus to turn off. When I right click on an image I get two items called print and preview. Preview just opens the image in the windows image preview application. I dont want this because I have Opus displaying all my images. I think these two items are Windows context items but like I said I have them turned off so not sure why they are showing, maybe they are hidden in Opus somewhere.
You can't change what Win-E does. Windows itself defines this as "Go to My Computer" and it seems that nothing else can override the key.
Win-E will open an Opus window if you have Opus set to replace Explorer but the key itself isn't defined or editable via Opus.
You can make other keys to do open any path you want. For example, Win-O is defined by Opus by default and can be changed to open any path or be moved to a different key (just not Win-E).
For me the Preview item is hidden, but I do see the Print one. Not sure where it's coming from, either, as even if I delete the printto action of my JPG filetype that Print item still appears.
Edit: It looks like if you override the print action for an image filetype then that action replaces what the Print menu item does. So you can change what happens when you select it but don't seem to be able to remove it.
Shame about the Win+E key but not the end of the world.
Hmm seems strange how the preview item doesn't show on your computer but it does on mine. In fact i've just checked on my work computer and it shows on here as well. Do you think its a bug? Maybe I should post or email somewhere so it can be fixed. As far as I can tell because I select the preferences option to turn of windows context menu items these shouldn't be showing anyway.
I'm not sure if it's a bug or not. It's definitely not what I would expect to happen, but there might be a reason for it. (Maybe certain actions are always supposed to appear for certain types.)
I will mention it to Jon next time he's on IRC. It's probably not worth filing a support request at this stage but if Jon confirms it is a bug then I'll file one for you.
Only thing I can think of there is that I've run this registry file which associates the Opus viewer with image filetypes (so the Opus viewer is used when double-clicking images on the Desktop and in Explorer windows). It may not be connected, though.
Just to add a little more information. I've found I can remove the preview option from the graphics files by deleting the open action for the specific file extension e.g. jpg, png etc. For all graphics files I have the following for the open action "rundll32.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscreen %1". If I delete this then the option no longer appears in Opus when I right click on the files.
I would have expected the "Hide Windows items on the context menus" setting to have removed these actions as well. Ideally I would like to hide all the stuff windows has put in the context menues and just control what goes in them via the File Type Groups in Opus. I could go through each file extension in turn and remove all the actions and then come back to the File Types groups and set what events I want but that sounds very time consuming. From what I can tell the idea behind the file types group is that you can add context items for a load of file types all in one go e.g. images. But as it stands right now it still requires you to go through each file ext in turn and remove these extra items.
I'd be interested to here what Jon has to say regarding this matter.
You can't change what Win-E does. Windows itself defines this as "Go to My Computer" and it seems that nothing else can override the key.[/quote]
And there you have it - the result of the reg file Nudel has run in the past is redirecting the shell 'open' action for the filetypes associated with dopusshow. And the reason you still see Open in the context menu is because Opus does NOT actually filter ALL windows context menu items... The 'standard' shell actions like the ones you see at play here (open, print, etc) are still always shown. FYI - the reason the 'open' action is associated with the word 'Preview' in the default menu is because of the shell verb assigned to the normal open action for jpegfiles via the reg value MuiVerb = @shimgvw.dll,-550. This is one of the ways a context menu action can be assigned a 'name' while another method is to just assign the 'default' string value of the actions regkey a name like Open in foobar2000.
The lions share of what usually gets hidden on many peoples systems is in fact non-Windows specific related things from installed applications that register context menu extensions and handlers (via CLSID based entries in the HKCR keys)...
There are yet other sources for standard shell actions buried in the windows registry (other than the filetype specific actions) that can also make their presence known even after enabling the hide option in Opus and/or deleting actions using the Opus file type editor or the registry... Like the stuff under: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations.
Leo... if you look under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\image\shell you'll probably find the source of your ever present 'Print' context menu entry. As far as I know, it's safe to whack that entry but I seem to recall something about circumstances that can cause these sort of system level associations to be regenerated/repaired and come back to haunt you? It might just be rubbish though or I'm remembering wrong.
Anyhow, maybe Jon could figure out a way to repress this stuff as maybe a sub-option as with other options in Opus... something like:
Hide Windows and 3rd. party items on file context menus
|_____ Hide all standard shell actions on file context menus
Or would it be the other way around... well... anyway, maybe then we could also have 'Enable' checkboxes or something on each specific file types 'Action' tab in the Opus file type editor so that the standard shell actions could be re-enabled on a file by file basis if they were otherwise hidden `enmasse with the sort of option above?
ah I see, thanks for the detailed explanation. Nothings ever simple with Windows is it? lol
[quote]Anyhow, maybe Jon could figure out a way to repress this stuff as maybe a sub-option as with other options in Opus... something like:
Hide Windows and 3rd. party items on file context menus
|_____ Hide all standard shell actions on file context menus
Or would it be the other way around... well... anyway, maybe then we could also have 'Enable' checkboxes or something on each specific file types 'Action' tab in the Opus file type editor so that the standard shell actions could be re-enabled on a file by file basis if they were otherwise hidden `enmasse with the sort of option above?[/quote]
This would be ideal, it would be nice to have in the next version.
Yup, there it is! I didn't even know about that registry key. Sheesh, the Windows filetypes system is a f*****g mess of redundant and arbitrary mechanisms.
Oh, I am. I don't know if it's really stack overflows as that error message only happens in the debugger, and there isn't much in the stack. I've been trying for the last week to make my updated jp2raw plugin work but it just crashes randomly in places I haven't even changed. Maybe upgrading to VS2005 wasn't a good idea. I've spent so much time on it I don't know how much more energy I can put into it. It just doesn't bloody work. And my Media Center PC has started crashing as well. I HATE COMPUTERS.