Crash about script config dialog

Something crash Dopus in script config pref.
I have scripts with drop down config options (option list by vector).
I use these scripts since many years without problem.
Each time I want to open these scripts dialogs, Dopus crash.
Each scripts have this string : initData.config.test = DOpus.Create.Vector(0,"Yes", "No")

What’s wrong ?

From help


The Preferences page only supports editing certain types of variables, so you must only assign properties of compatible types. Preferences supports:

  • Boolean options (True or False) - the variable type must be bool
  • Numeric options - the variable type must be int
  • String options - the variable type must be string
  • Multi-line string options - the variable type must be string and must contain at least one CR/LF pair. Note that a trailing CR/LF will be removed from the default value.
  • Multiple string options - the variable type must be a Vector of strings
  • Drop-down list - the variable type must be a Vector with an int as the first element (to specify the default selection), and strings for the remaining elements.
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Thanks for reporting this, and for the sample script sent earlier.

We've tracked this down to a bug introduced in 12.24.4 beta. We have a fix for it coming in 12.25.

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