Crash if 32KB path is added to the Favorites menu on purpose

Directory Opus has got a problem with long folder names. It often crashes when I navigate through them. I'm gonna send an Email to

Please give more detail and work through the FAQ on crashes when visiting particular folders.

The issue could turn out to be a shell extension something else has installed, and/or triggered by certain file types in the folders. We have not had any similar reports, and would expect to see lots if there was a general issue in Opus itself caused by long paths alone.

Your issue was caused by having 128 levels of nested paths, each with 255 character long paths, for a total of (including separators) 32488 characters in the path length.

(Apparently on purpose, as part of a "file manager stress test" as you put it, but if you do things like that you'll run into all sorts of problems on Windows, and you are essentially sabotaging your own computer and then complaining that it has been sabotaged. It would have been good to mention this in the thread in the first place. I've edit the thread subject.)

The problem was not even in Opus itself, but in the Windows tooltip control which was triggered by hovering over the favorites menu. The Windows tooltip control cannot cope with text strings which are that long.

We have added some code into Opus to check for this situation and avoid it. I imagine this will help zero people in real situations, but we may as well fix it now we're aware of it.

You could report the bug to Microsoft so they can fix it in the place where the problem actually is, but I doubt they will even reply to you.

Please stick to real world situations, not manufactured ones, unless there is some way for someone without control of your computer to make your computer encounter them (that would be a DoS or security issue, which would need fixing; self-sabotage is something else).

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Ooh, I'm glad that you answered. Now:

I don't give a damn what Microsoft does. They have sooo much money, so they aren't interested in customers' problems.

That's why I love you guys, because you take care of your customers and you put your entire heart to keep them satisfied. You may rip the harvest one day for the seeds you planted.

I regret only when I start banging the advertising drum for Directory Opus. It's always the same old story: People like Directory Opus as long as they haven't heard yet of the price of the license. Afterwards... you know very well what I mean. I'm gonna buy soon another license.

Now to this funny issue:

This so called "Stress test" is interesting for theoretical and entertaining purposes. I only wanted to inform you. So you could add some code to avoid it, correct. And I'm burning with impatience to download the next beta. :grinning:

There are still some things to show you, so I will send you some recorded desktop video files.

I don't sabotage my computer, you don't need to worry. I use system image backups and rollback software (Time machine), so my system can be easily and absolutely reversed in a fast and efficient way. :innocent: