I hope someone can help with this problem. Every time I try to view or open an image on my external drive, DOPUS will shut down. Sometimes I get an error message, other times it just shuts down. It has done this with both the version 12 and my current version. I captured the error message I received from this last one.
Is it only certain types of images? (If so, which ones? Do they still go wrong if you copy them to a local drive and then view them?)
Can other programs view the same images from the same drive OK?
Please email us the Crash Dumps which should be created when it happens, and we may be able to see exactly what is causing the crash.
Hi Leo, Thank you for your response.
It looks as if it is a certain folder that contains only jpg files
I can view the folder in explorer or an image editing program without any problem.
I just emailed the crash dumps to crashdumps@gpsoft.com.au
Thank you
Thank you for the crash dumps!
If it is no trouble, could you also zip up a couple of the images and email those to the same address? We can then try viewing the same files.
Looking at the crash dumps, the problem seems to be in VSFilter.dll rather than Opus itself.
That DLL appears to be part of DirectVobSub and is in C:\Windows\System32, although it's not part of Windows.
Please try running this from an Administrator command prompt. (You can open one via Tools > Command Prompt Here (Admin) in Opus.)
C:\Windows\System32\regsvr.exe /u C:\Windows\System32\VSFilter.dll
If you then reboot and try what you were doing before, does the crash still happen?
If it no longer happens then it probably confirms VSFilter.dll as causing the problem. It may be worth looking for an updated version of DirectVobSub which may have fixed the issue, or reporting the problem to its developers if not.
To undo the change above and reinstall the DLL, run this from an Administrator command prompt:
C:\Windows\System32\regsvr.exe C:\Windows\System32\VSFilter.dll