FWIW: Opus crashed while viewing images inside a zip file in the viewer. I will post it here, because a bug report could not be generated:
Is it reproducible?
Is it a particular file that causes it? Looks like JPEG2000 file from the screenshot, so it might be a problem with the JPEG2000 plugin.
Does the same file cause a crash when viewed from outside a zip file?
Can you sent a copy of it?
Leo, unfortunately it's not reproducible on demand and therefore I'm not absolutely sure whether it's a particular file that causes it.
It might be the JPEG2000 file, because Opus crashed when I selected that file. No crash outside Zip files (but again, it's not reproducible
on demand). I've attached the particular file for you.
U12_004.zip (395 KB)
Thanks for the file!
I tried a bunch of things with it but couldn't reproduce a crash so far, so if you do see it again and can work out any other details that might be important, let us know and we'll try them out.
It might also be worth checking if a mini-dump was crashed at the same time as the crash. If the crash dialog appeared there's a good chance a dump was created, but they aren't always (depending on the nature of the crash). If you have one please PM it to me and I'll see if it points to anything potentially useful in tracking things down.
I regularly clean up my temp folder(s) etc. but Opus created a crash file on that date (mini-dump) and it was still there:
(sent to you by PM)