Crashes on system that is also BSODing (Windchill Workgroup Manager)

Usermode programs like Opus cannot cause a BSOD. Only something at a lower level (kernel, antivirus, drivers, hardware) can do that.

That's especially true if you still get BSOD when Opus isn't running, even if they seem to happen more when it is. You should not get any BSOD at all.

The two may be unrelated, but it's also possible one issue is causing the other. I would focus on getting to the bottom of the BSODs first, and make sure all your drivers are up to date from the manufacturer's website (not just generic ones that come with Windows). (Windows 10 has a nasty habit of replacing working drivers with bad ones, too.)

One place to look is faulty storage hardware; BSODs are often caused by faulty USB drives or even a faulty USB cable. The problems may only show themselves when copying to or from those drives.

If you weren't also seeing BSODs, or want to investigate whether there is a separate Opus-related issue in additon to them, I'd recommend these guides for working out where the problem is coming from (it could be Opus itself, or a shell extension, thubmnailer, viewer etc. something else has installed into the dopus.exe process) and/or sending us crash snapshots which we might be able to use to tell you more: