I'm looking for a way to bind a "Create File" option (Much like "Create Folder") to a key. However, I do not see such an option by default in Opus 9.
I would expect this feature to create a new file named "New File" (with no extension, because I like to determine the extension myself) and it be active in rename mode so I can press my "Create File" key, and immediately start typing the new name of the file (and extension).
This is exactly what I need, I think (You posted this):<?xml version="1.0"?>
<button backcol="none" display="both" textcol="none">
<label>Create empty file</label>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>@set name={dlgstringS|Enter File Name|Readme.txt}</instruction>
<instruction>copy FILE="nul" AS="{$name}" HERE</instruction>
<instruction>select {$name}</instruction>
However, you mentioned to check the FAQ on what to do with the XML, however after clicking the "FAQs" link in your signature, I'm not sure what I need to be reading. Sorry for any obvious questions I'm asking.