Hi! I found another small GUI bug similar to one I reported for Printing Folders here [url]11.13 & 11.12 export path-filename bug or feature].
This one is in the Create Folder dialog. I'm using v11.16 x64 on Windows 7 Pro x64.
To reproduce:
Open the "Create Folder" dialog.
Check the "Create multiple folders" checkbox.
Click "Cancel" for this demonstration - the result is the same whether you Cancel or "OK" to create the folder.
Now open the "Create Folder" dialog once more.
Press Tab to proceed to the "Create multiple folders" checkbox.
Press the spacebar to uncheck the checkbox.
Although the dialog collapses and behaves correctly, 9 out of 10 times the checkbox remains checked until the dialog is "OK"ed and opened again. Moving the mouse around and/or waiting five or more seconds sometimes results in the box being unchecked. I haven't figured out a obvious behavior logic yet.