Create fullrow button

I try to create button to swith between fullrow selection and fullrow display only option.

Set FULLROWSELECT=Display,Toggle

But don't work...

if my button is Set FULLROWSELECT=Display, "Full Row Selection" and "display only" enable in prefs, button disable "Full Row Selection" ?? i miss something ? :open_mouth:

Seems wrong to me as well. I've sent in a report.

I think you should be able to do this without a toggle option, and more like Set VIEW= with multiple args... So instead something like:

Set FULLROWSELECT=Display,Select,Off

This new command is a little unique as it affects something that is otherwise settable in prefs. But either way, using an option like 'Toggle' should cause it to revert to it's previous state.

this command don't switch between fullrow and fullrow display... it turn off fullrow, that all ? :wink:

No, it doesn't do anything sensible. I was saying I thought you SHOULD be able to do such a thing without bothering with a TOGGLE argumnet (though that is what I use, and like it this way - but I don't use full row 'SELECT' so don't have an issue)...

My example was a comparison to how you can 'toggle' between different view-modes by using a Command like:

Set VIEW=Details,Tiles,List

etc etc...

Either way, YOUR button should not be turning OFF full row select, it should just be toggling between DISPLAY and ~whatever~ your previous setting was like.


My example was a comparison to how you can 'toggle' between different view-modes by using a Command like:

Set VIEW=Details,Tiles,List

etc etc...[/quote]

This, however, only works for me using two view types only. Adding a third one makes the button stop working. But good to know, that this is possible, using a single button/shortcut for comfortably switching between view modes.

Woopsy... seems you still need a qualifying argument on the Set VIEW example. If you want more than two view modes, add the Cycle argument as well.

Set VIEW=Cycle,Details,Thumbnails,Tiles

Anyhow, my point by even bothering to reference the Set VIEW command was that it seemed that since we now have 'multiple' FULL ROW related commands, that it made sense to make it work sort of the like the VIEW option... ALONG with fixing the fact that toggling any setting 'off' reverts to ALL of the settings being off instead of reverting back to default state based on Prefs settings.

[quote="steje"]Woopsy... seems you still need a qualifying argument on the Set VIEW example. If you want more than two view modes, add the Cycle argument as well.

Set VIEW=Cycle,Details,Thumbnails,Tiles

Yeah, that did it. thx a lot! :slight_smile: