Create Video Thumb with random value for timestamp


"C:\Program Files\ImageMagick\ffmpeg.exe" -ss 0.5 -i "{filepath}" -vframes 1  -f image2  "{sourcepath}\thumbPrev.png"


the above code works but i was trying to create thumb at random time.. so i can chose the thumb.

am not able get this working.

set /a num=%random% %%100
"C:\Program Files\ImageMagick\ffmpeg.exe" -ss %num% -i "{filepath}" -vframes 1  -f image2  "{sourcepath}\thumbPrev.png"


Make sure the button type is set to MS-DOS Batch Function, and add a line with @externalonly at the top.

@externalonly will make it so the DOS set command is run instead of the Opus one.

This will break the Go REFRESH line, but you should not need that anyway.

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Hi Leo Thank you
Changing MS-Dos Function and adding @externalonly
works. :slight_smile:
sorry for delayed reply.
last few months have been crazy..

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