Strangely, this doesn't work all the time, sometimes it fails to read the folders into the file display. Even adding Go REFRESH is not a reliable remedy. Running the script a second time has AFAIR been always successful. Both folders sit on an SSD and already exist.
Can you reproduce it without the stuff after the two CreateFolder lines? The rest shouldn't matter, unless something weird is going on (which is always possible). That's what I've been testing with, to avoid having to work out how to set up the folders/zips to make everything else work:
function OnClick(clickData)
var cmd = clickData.func.command;
var tab = clickData.func.sourcetab;
var fsu = DOpus.FSUtil();
var currYear = DOpus.Create().Date().Format('D#yyyy');
var srcPath = fsu.Resolve('/OneDrive\\Apps\\GPSLogger for Android');
var dstPath = fsu.Resolve('/profile\\User\\Tracks\\' + currYear + '\\com.mendhak.gpslogger');
cmd.RunCommand('CreateFolder NAME="' + srcPath + '" READAUTO=left');
cmd.RunCommand('CreateFolder NAME="' + dstPath + '" READAUTO=right');
So far that always works for me.
Maybe the lister's starting point is important. For example, starting from single or dual displays, or which tabs are already open.
Any locked folder tabs, or navlock turned on, that might complicate things?