Ctrl alt doubleclick to open folder in destination + newtab?

Hi, I would like the selected folder to open in the opposite display AND newtab when pressing ctrl + alt + dclick

But in the events for 'all folders', I noticed the option to add n event is greyed out??
So instead I tried to change the existing ctrl dclick event to...

go openindual findexisting
go openindual newtab findexisting

i also tried using @keydown:ctrlalt

Both attempts made no difference :cry:

You can't add mouse events; the ones which are listed (no key, shift, ctrl, alt) are all there is.

@keydown does not work within mouse events. I don't recall the exact details but I think the key state has already been processed to work out which event to run before the event is run, or something like that.

Supporting key and mouse left/right/middle/back/forward/wheelupdown would be great...

Not sure what you mean exactly.

Apart from wheelupdown, all those can already be customized as either double-click-on-file events (left/right/middle) or hotkeys (back/forward).

Sorry Leo, meant just Wheel and M4/M5...was late :slight_smile: