
Hi guys i upgraded to Dopus 10
and in 9 when i hit ctrl+f for the utility panel it would pop out in its own window and i could do my searches in there without interfering with with my other panels.
can i still do this ?
for some reason it opens at the bottom and not in a new lister


The old standalone Find window was removed.

i noticed two things:

  1. "Ctrl + F" (hitting once!) does the same as hitting once "F3"-key. The file search panel pops out. (So there are 2 different keystrokes for the same command 'display search panel'.)
  2. none of the keystrokes toggles the search pane back/gone. Can the keystrokes made to be togglish? :stuck_out_tongue:

Ctrl-F is a toggle in the default Opus 10 toolbars. If you're using toolbars imported from Opus 9 then you might need to update them.

The command i see (in Customize mode) is just FIND (instead of Set FINDPANE=Toggle, which doesnt exist as a command). Please, what's the command for togglish Ctrl+F ?

I'm not at a PC right now but you can look in the default toolbar, Tools menu for the command.

Set UTILITY=Find,Toggle
