Hi there,
Very simple,
As I work on say 3 or 4 projects for maybe a few days to a month I use these buttons with hotkeys (1-5) which work great for 'current' projects. It's quicker than constantly updating favourites etc. Might be helpful to people.
For instance 1 = Current, highly active project etc. 2,3,4 descending.
I might set 2 to another project that I get less calls about. Like all work it's transient and changes so my '1' folder in a few weeks would be something else. Shift click sets the folder, and obviously I would set the hotkey to 1 in the button, and so on for 2-5. I have attached a .zip with the pngs which are skinny so don't take up too much toolbar space.
Below is code for 'folder1' so you would update each 2 to 5.
//Shift + click will set the folder project.
//No modifier down////////////////////////////////////////////
Go {$glob:folder1} TABFINDEXISTING
//if shift down set global var to source path////////////////////
@set glob!:folder1 = {s}
{dlgstring| folder1 has been set to : |{$glob:folder1} }
My apologies for not explaining more clearly. i meant dynamic labels. Like a variable or something to change to set the label of the button, so you know which project is selected.
I use all kinds of custom buttons for locations, like normal bookmarks. The idea of this is just the 'most active' projects based on 1-5. Sounds like you want normal bookmarks or location buttons.
Here is my version of a method to easily create on-the-fly access to files or folders.
allows for a large number of files or folders
mouse driven
two clicks opens a file or folder
two clicks adds a selected file or folder to the list
requires only the button below and a folder of your creation to store the automatically created links to the files or folders
folders are listed before files
The button is a three button button:
LMB - opens the list of files and folders to access
RMB - adds the currently selected file or folder to the list
MMB - opens the list to manually rename or delete any items in the list.
You will need to edit the button to point to the folder you create to store the automatically created links to the files or folders.