Custom Column - Example custom sort

The filenames are in the format "somealphatext nnnnn_xxx", where I want to sort by "xxx".

function OnInit(initData){ = "PnNumber";
  initData.desc = "Add a sortable column for pn number";
  initData.copyright = "myarmor";
  initData.version = "1.0";
  initData.default_enable = false;

  var col = initData.AddColumn(); = "Number";
  col.method = "OnNumber";
  col.label = "Number";
  col.justify = "left";
  col.autogroup = false;

// Implement the OnNumber column
function OnNumber(scriptColData){
  if (scriptColData.col!="Number") return;
  if (scriptColData.item.is_dir) {
    scriptColData.value = "";
    scriptColData.sort = 3;
  } else{
    var re=/^\w+ \d+[_-](\d+)/i;
    if (re.exec({
      scriptColData.value = RegExp.$1;
    } else{
      scriptColData.value = "No Number";

Save the script with a .js extension into the addins folder.
Use at your own risk and whatnot, but feel free to adapt.

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