Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V same button
Further checking
Right Click Copy, Right Click Paste works same button
Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V same button does not work Right Click Paste does work
Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V in a other button or notepad works then go back to original button and Ctrl+V works
From notepad Ctrl+C then button Ctrl+V does work Right Click Paste does work
Ctrl+C/V in the text field of the button editor, or something else?
AFAIK (may be wrong), Ctrl-C/V on the toolbar buttons themselves doesn’t copy/paste them (as the toolbar never has keyboard focus), but the right-click menus should work for those.
If I use Settings > Customize Toolbars
If I Right Click blank space on toobar > Customize
Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V both work when editing a button
If I move mouse over button to edit
Press Alt+Left mouse button
Ctrl+C does copy text but Ctrl+V does not paste text, text is in clipboard as I can paste in notepad
Crtl+C and Ctrl+V does not work on toolbar buttons you have to use Right Click Copy Paste
i've been noticing this as well! the past week or so.
it hasnt been constant and i haven't been able to reproducer it consistently, as i usually have both customize window and filetypes\context windows & multiple buttons open, [matching and\or cross referanceing].
^C & ^V just won't respond, have to restore to highlight with the mouse and right-clicks
I use Alt-Click to edit buttons all the time and have never seen Ctrl-V not work to paste into the button editor, as long as the text field in it has focus.
Are you clicking on the text field before pasting? (It's not normally given focus as soon as the editor opens.)
Any clipboard tools running that might interfere?
When it isn't working, can you paste into other things, or do they also have problems at the same time? If you do paste into another window and come back to the editor, is it still not working there?
I'm creating new button now and its working as it should at the moment.
its seems to be somewhat random when ^C & ^V won't work in the command editor. I'm at loss to guess what's causing it.
as for your questions...
yes i do keep Ditto running on my system, when it happens I've tried shutting the app down, refreshed windows explorer, to no avail.
also, powertoys has a clipboard monitor that has a few new features, such as "paste as plain text" (ive found this one useful) and paste as "markdown" (in microsoft fashion this isn't working correctly yet) come to think of it I'm just going to shut this powertoys feature off for a while.
and yes, ill be able to open anything else and paste whats in the clipboard just fine. go back to the command editor, it will still won't respond to ^V
it seems if i click OK to save all the open command windows, including the main panel, than re-enter Customise mode i can copy and paste with the keyboard again.
Only using Microsoft clipboard history makes no difference if it's on or off
Only happens when I use Alt+Left Mouse to edit button
Highlight text Ctrl+C
Try pasting in line 4 Ctrl+V does not work
Something strange Windows Key+V brings up a window that should stay until clicking X. But if Ctrl+V does not work the window goes as soon as you let go the keys