Dark and Red and in My Head - Theme

Something for this wonderful community, I humbly bestow my theme for anyone interested. My main focus was easy to read text and contrast friendly background colors, thank you to the other developers that gave me inspiration.

  • Read all the way through pls cause you have options wink

**** If you want the top toolbars to also change to the dark theme as seen in the screenshot, import the following two files by going to Settings - Customize Toolbars - Select the Toolbar tab - File - Import Toolbar - (open each toolbar you want to replace)MenuMenuOpus.dop (58.0 KB) OperationsMenuOpus.dop (28.8 KB)

GitHub - QL-Win/QuickLook: Bring macOS “Quick Look” feature to Windows <--Quicklook to open many files with spacebar, just like quick preview style like in OSX, this includes images, office docs and pdfs, etc.; I have no affiliation with dev!

** Update 2/22 **

Here is an exact and "total" backup for those who want a one-step solution, simply select Settings - Backup and Restore - and select the last option after opening this file (or check mark all options) // Keep in mind this will change the look to what you see in the screenshots, along with my settings:

:warning: Warning: :warning:

The post includes both a Theme (.dlt file) and a full Configuration Backup (.ocb file).

Unlike themes (.dlt files), configuration backups replace your entire configuration. Installing a configuration backup will change every single Opus setting, and all your toolbars, folder formats, etc., to the ones saved in the file by the author.

If you only want to affect visual settings then do not install configuration backups; only install actual theme files (.dlt).

If you install the .ocb file be sure to backup your own configuration first so that you can go back to it. Use Settings -> Backup & Restore to create a backup of your configuration.

** Update 2/29 ** - Mainly colors for consistency, full theme makeover directly below, along with lister at the bottom if you don't want the full experience

** Update 3/9 ** - Made folder highlights same green color as Menu, easier to see I think... Removed my favorites from the listers, ain't noboby got time for that!

----------------> Daraimh.ocb (473.7 KB) <---------------------

Dark and Red and In My Head.dlt (554.2 KB)

  • Please note that I do not have anything against no legged people, or the no legged community in general, I'll be the bigger person and walk away at this time.



Hello, hope everyone is staying safe through this rough patch that befalls us globally, and thanks to all that have downloaded and enjoy this theme. No updates to report, however here's some more links to software (all free of course) that will help extend your windows functionality.

Context menu getting cluttered? Use this to fix that, lots of goodies on this site

** Additionally, this will also add easily accessible context menu entries to DOPUS under File, as shown in screenshot below **


Radmin VPN - Use in conjunction with DOPUS to access your computer remotely using given IP, easily

Auto Dark Mode - Switch Windows between light and dark mode depending on time of day

Ear Trumpet - Adjust sound settings on a per-app, per-device basis

Use the following 3 apps to get true surround sound sound on your headphones, including true Dolby Surround emulation etc. :




That's all for now, again stay home and enjoy dopus, everything will be fine!


Just a heads up, DARAIMH 2.0 is coming soon. Post covid changes!

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