Date format for dated folder

For years I've been using folder format as yyyymmdd. I was pleasantly surprised when I found out Directory Opus has a "Dated Folder" feature. But is there a way to change the default format to the format I currently use?

You can create your own copy command using modifiers for date/time. The concatenated modifiers given below build a timestamp like 2014-04-11.21-11-51


What you are looking for may be ...

CreateFolder NAME="MyFolder-{date|yyyy}{date|MM}{date|dd}"

... which will create a "MyFolder-20140611" if performed today.

To add a button for this command have a look here (RAW commands) ...

Thank you very much indeed for a so quick and useful answer!


CreateFolder NAME="MyFolder-{date|yyyy}{date|MM}{date|dd}"

... which will create a "MyFolder-20140611" if performed today.[/quote]
Small note, that command can be simplified a little. This does the same thing

CreateFolder NAME="MyFolder-{date|yyyyMMdd}"