Dbl-click on folder

double-click on folder in dop opens a new lister. I want to chage this behaviour. I read the manual and understood that it is done with file types. I changed the dbl-click event in the file type dialog but could not stop dop opening new lister. how can I change this behavoiur?

How did you change the double click event? Below is a screenshot of my Opus file type configuration for the "All Folders" file type.

Left doubleclicking on a folder, opens that folder in the current lister.

CTRL+left doubleclicking on a folder open that folder in a dual pane lister.

ALT+left doubleclicking on a folder open that folder in new lister.

SHIFT+left doubleclicking on a folder open that folder in new tab.

the problem was due to permissions. I work with XP home edition and I first run dop with user which is not administrator so the fileType where not set correctly. configuring dop with administrator caused also the configuration for the user to be ok. thanks for the help.